Discovering the business name Bleu Eyed View

Discovering the business name Bleu Eyed View

  Id like to tell you that I spent days and days coming up with the unique business name,Bleu Eyed View, however that is not the case. One night while I was sound asleep it just kinda found me. I shot right up and scribbled it down on a little sticky note before I passed out once more. The next morning my almost illegible scribbles blew me away.

 Back to the roots

  I remember spending many weekends with my grandparents, totally a highlight of my childhood. Especially when we’d do this ole time cowboy camping, called Annie Oakley days. Picture it, cloth tents, cooking over a fire, and a lot of nature activities. We’d even dress in fashion of the period. For me that meant mostly long skirts, cotton blouses, and leather boots (one of my favorite parts). Everyone also got really cool nick names, the one bestowed upon me was little blue eyes. As my life went on that is something everyone always commented on. How blue. How big. How beautiful. I soon realized that blue was something I’d never escape. Some things have changed with time, I’m not so little now; some things have remained the same, blue.I wanted to add a little spice so we changed up the spelling.

 Bird’s-eye view

  Now everyone’s heard the common idiom, bird’s-eye view. Did you know It can be taken two different ways? Literally, as in a view from high above; like a soaring bird in the cloudy sky. Most often it’s meant to be taken figuratively, meaning look at the bigger picture or try a different point of view. When you change your view point you often see things that you never saw before. You might even begin to grow outside yourself, which is 100% a goal of this brand.

 Slap a bleu bow on it

  It’s crazy to think Bleu Eyed View was at one time just a thought, one strong enough to wake me from my slumber. Since that morning the once scribbles have transformed into a brand with meaning and purpose. While Bleu Eyed View designs are solely my perspective, I’m sharing my views for the purpose of growth, happiness and creative expression. Follow along on social media or join The Blended Bunch email list for the latest designs and blended aesthetic.


Why Bleu Eyed View