Celebrations are in order!

Celebrations are in order!

This time last year I was shaking in my knock off Doc Martens as I filed to become a legit business. I always envisioned a brand where everyday people felt connected & inspired, through my passion of creating strange art. I'm so humbled by Bleu Eyed Views first year of progress. I'd like to share some highs & what's to come.
Proudest moment thus far
I had just had a defeating day, working on the Lucky Penny collection. Ping! Notification from my online store. I had made a sale but not like any sale I’d made before. This one was special because I had never met this person prior! Why was it so important?! Because it meant I was finally connecting with my target audience after many attempts on various platforms. My heart sighed with relief at the confirmation of the brand moving in the right direction.
What I have enjoyed most about being a designer for Bleu Eyed View
Beyond inspiring myself, I love connecting with all these beautiful souls that my designs resonate with, some who I might have not met otherwise. I've met some virtually & messaged many. Those connections make my heart just as happy as a conversation with a longtime friend. The purest sense that I found the place that I belong & my eternal purpose.
The big plan for year number two
We look forward to branching out into a wider product selection with more color options. Aiming to focus on more encouraging, interactive products such as journals and mirror decals. Lastly, continuing to release collections that lead to new connections & maintain the previous ones.
At the one-year mark I'm consumed with the greatest feeling, gratitude. Without everyone's support & encouragement Bleu Eyed View wouldn't be continuing to grow. I've really created a life I'm proud to wake up to & a brand to be proud of. Here's to One Year!